Oh my goodness, yet again I have been overcome by a melancholic ambush of thoughts. It is in the midst of these that I find myself wishing I had the time to sit, and to type, for hours. I feel as if I could go on and on, exploring all that is going on in my mind and attempting to expose it in written word rather than have it laying stagnant within me. This particular occurence began with the oncoming of Advent. Yes, my mind is blown by the fact that Advent is already here, nay, that Advent is already two candles in! It is December and a year has almost reached completion, a year that feels as if it has just begun its course. So Advent approached, out of nowhere. There I was in Nebraska for Thanksgiving and two days later getting ready to return home I attended mass and stared up in shock at the purple vestments before me. I was not prepared. However, I can say that I very gracefully and efficiently transitioned into this time. I was taken with a desire to make the most of this time given to me. Something about the structure of a planned span of time such as Advent, Lent, summer, etc. gives me the sense of an alotted time to make something happen. So, without fail, over the first day of Advent I came up with a plan: simplify. Yes, it is a little more detailed than that one word, but really that is what it boils down to. So many things I've been struggling with are due to a lack of it in my life, in our culture, in the world. As a melancholic introvert I am constantly overwhelmed to the point of shutting down when I think of the pure number of everything in our universe: people, things, relationships, jobs, grains of sand...oh my goodness. In this sea of everything it is so easy to feel forgotten, neglected, and commonplace. In a world where millions of things are added daily to the world wide web, how can anyone think they've done anything significant? Take this blog-I do it purely as an online journal, I don't expect any eyes but my own and a few bored family members to ever look upon it, and I am lucky if I post monthly amidst the craziness of my life. Yet, somehow, there are thousands of moms, busier than I,(homeschooling moms with dozens of children) who are posting daily the amazing doings of their family composed of several DIY crafts, incredible candid photos, delicious recipes, and advice. Jeez, if that doesn't make you feel insignificant I don't know what does. Wow, I'm getting so far off the beaten path right now I'm having to read back several sentences to find where I was going...Oh yes! SIMPLICITY! So, I have a few tasks for this Advent that I am attempting to accomplish. Of course, being me, I've already failed at several, but I'm not perfect, and I'm not giving up.
1. Get rid of one thing a day (particularly clothes)
2. No phone (other than calling or texting)
3. No Gilmore Girls :)